For the love of life.

Give Today.

Together we can build ways of caring that are compassionate & considerate. Ways that value Black life.

Please consider contributing to this work if you wish to participate in the birthing & building of new worlds & ways of care.

Thank You for your contribution and participation in the creation of new & improved birth experiences in Canada.

It’s no small deal.


Black parents are losing when it comes to maternal health outcomes.

We can all do better.

Statistics we’re tired of hearing:

  • Black women are 3x more likely to experience reproductive violence than their white counterparts

  • 1 in 3 Black mothers black mothers will have a traumatic birth experience

  • Black women are 4x more likely to die giving birth than their white counterparts

    • this is true for our siblings down south—Canada will not yet fund race-based data.

Your support will bring solutions to this problem.

Solutions like culturally competent doulas.

Give Today.


Inspiration & guidance from the work of the HairStory project and the team at the Ontario Provincial Advocate for Children & Youth who organized this work.